Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Post 5


Podcast~ according to iPodder a podcast is no different than a webcast, a show that is broadcast over the web and is broken up into parts or episodes. Most podcasts are similar to news radio programs and deliver information on a regular basis, while some podcasts are comedy shows or even special music broadcasts. Podcasts are most popular on Apple's iPod and iPhone devices, hence the name podcast, but a podcast can be enjoyed from a number of different sources and can even be listened to directly on a computer.

That being said, this last week was the first time ever I have had any experience with podcast. I personally believe that it is a unique way of teaching and can be much better than just pencil and paper. I guess thats because I am a millenial, a person born after 1980 with no knowledge of life without computer or technology. At least that's what Joe Dale said in his article of The benefits of podcasting in the classroom. I strongly agree with so many of his beliefs. Poscast is a form of learning students of today are familiar with and therefore makes it relevant to them and it does promote creativity and innovation. I checked out a few other sites on podcasting such as The Education Podcasting Network. Now this was an intresting site. I could have been on there for hours watching and listening to other peoples thoughts. I loved the fact that it had a How Do I section as well as the breakdown of podcast. They were catagorized by level of school, student & class podcast, as well as individual subjects. How cool is that! I wouldn't have to spend all day searching for a podcast about a particular subject. A sight like this allows us, as educators, to share knowledge, insights, and passions for teaching. Just for fun, because I don't own an iPod, I check out 100 ways to use you Ipod to learn & study better. There was so much that I didn't know was possible on this site. I narrowed my list down to my 3 favorites of uses for the Ipod to help with learning. I loved that you could now get Spark Notes on it. Where was this at when I was in high school? I also loved the Teach kids valuable lessons with free Sesame Street Ipod videos. What kid doesn't like Sesame Street and now there is a way to incorporate valuable lessons into a childs tv program? That a definite plus in my book. There was also a Brain Quest, a game for children in grades 1-7. As a parent, teacher, aunt or anyone involved with children this is a fun and educational game that can help to keep children occupied while sitting in the doctors office or wheeling through the grocery store.

All in all I learned alot about podcasting and can not wait to use this form of technology in my classroom one day!


  1. Hey Abby,
    Just like you, Last week was my first time working with anything even remotely similar to a podcast.I believe that the podcast is going to play a very important role in our school systems. I too am a millennial baby, and life without technology I really can't even phantom.I am definitely going to use some of the things from the 100 ways to use Ipod to study better.

  2. Abby,

    After creating your podcast and reading/watching these assigned posts, are you beginning to see the benefits of podcasting? Of project-based learning? Hopefully these are all tools that you'll carry into your own future classroom! Also, where is your picture for this post?

    - Allie
